Install / upgrade service

Most services or configuration files are already installed with the Linux system.

Some of the services, in particular from Go-IoT, have an install / upgrade script defined in its properties.

  1. To install or upgrade a service, start by checking its status.
  2. If the service is running, then the service is already installed and an upgrade will be performed.
  3. Click the "Install/Upgrade" button, to do the installation or upgrade.
  4. A progress bar will appear over the "..." button when the installation / upgrade is busy.
  5. When the progress bar has finished, click the "..." button to confirm that the installation / upgrade was successful.

  6. Then click the "Status" button and confirm that the service is running.
  7. Also click the "Log..." button to confirm that the service is running as expected.
  8. If the installation was not successful, then find the troubleshooting section for the particular service.


The install and upgrade scripts from Go-IoT, take backups of databases and other important files. These backup files are available at /opt/GoIoT/backup/ if needed.

In case of install or upgrade errors:

The install and upgrade scripts from Go-IoT, use temporary folders during there execution. If the scripts are interrupted during errors, then the temporary folders are not deleted. If there is a need to delete these folders, then they are located at /opt/GoIoT/ with the names tmp in-front of them.